A client operating in Azerbaijan experienced damage to the rubber elements of the annular preventer. 3 of the reinforced steel fingers had broken off and were lost in the well. It was unknown whether the 3 steel fingers had split into more pieces. Since each finger was 460 mm long and weighed approximately 20 kg, the operator estimated up to 60 kg of debris, divided by 3 or more pieces, in the well.
The client was looking for a quick and efficient way of removing all the lost steel fingers in one run. They, therefore, contacted Innovar to mobilize the 12,1-in OD Magnum Fishing Magnet®, model FM 135L, from Norway to Azerbaijan.
With the large OD and the total lifting capacity of 2800 kg at full contact, the Innovar FM 135L fishing magnet was considered optimal for the fishing job.
The Innovar FM 135L Magnum Fishing Magnet® is designed to center the magnetic field down towards the fish, ensuring that all the available energy is used to catch the lost objects. It is also built as one piece to prevent the tool from failing, equipped with Wirltool circulation ports, and has a working temperature of 160 degrees Celsius.

BHA - Magnet with a skirted venturi washover assembly.
- RIH w/ BHA #2 Skirted Innovar Magnet. Could pass through wellhead from the 3rd attempt by applying 5RPM rotation. Continued RIH.
- Tagged bottom at 2,305.40M with Max 5K WOB.
- Worked down 10" from the hard tag (distance from the cut lip to the magnet). Initially by washing down (with no progress) and then with 10RPM - 3 - 8K torque. 600GPM - 1460PSI. Repeated this one more time.
- Picked up off bottom. Broke the connection and dropped the 1" steel ball to activate Venturi sub. Made up the connection and start pumping the ball down with 250GPM. After 14 mins, reduced the pump rate to 100GPM and waited for the ball to seat. Meanwhile observed gain in the active tank. Stopped circulation.
- Resumed pumping. Ball seated in the catcher. Observed 100PSI pressure increase at 250GPM from 350PSI to 450PSI. Staged up the pumps to 600GPM with 1860PSI. Down Wt changed to 323K. Worked down 12" (One foot) from the initial tag. Repeated the exercise. Picked up off bottom and tagged bottom again without rotation (tagged at the 10" mark).
- Flow check well & POOH.
- Fishing Skirted Magnet BHA at surface. Recovered all junk / 3 fingers from the hole (6 individual parts).
- Total weight of the recovered fish - 51kg for fingers and 200gr of swarf. Some cement chunk was recovered from boot baskets.

The Innovar 12,1-in OD Magnum Fishing Magnet® exceeded expectations with its performance in debris recovery. All 3 lost steel fingers (6 individual pieces) were recovered in one single run. Further debris recovery was unnecessary, and the operations could resume. This led to a substantial cost saving for the operator.
If you have any questions regarding Innovar fishing magnets or this job, please contact or visit our website